RB DesignTech


Crypto Fintech – BOWO

A decentralized digital cash reserve, created to build a secure financial ecosystem for Farmers.


Farmers, especially small and marginal farmers, face financial constraints to improve and maintain their farms. It is difficult for them to borrow from banks due to high interest rates, lack of collateral, and documentation requirements. To solve these problems, the founders of this startup,aimed to create a decentralized digital cash reserve platform that enables investors to finance farmers in exchange for future harvest yield.


Founders partnered with RB DesignTech to design and develop a decentralized digital cash reserve platform, leveraging blockchain and Web 3.0 technology. The platform enables farmers to access financing with low-interest rates and without the need for traditional collateral. Investors can participate in the platform and earn a share of the future harvest yield. The platform has a secure and intuitive interface with detailed farming data analytics, enabling investors to assess the risk of their investment and choose a suitable project.

Date: April 28, 2023